Themistoklis Haris

I am a first-year Ph.D. student at Boston University, interested in the Foundations of Machine Learning. I am fortunate to be advised by Professor Alina Ene.

Research interests

In my research, I want to address questions from the field of Optimization, Machine Learning and algorithm design. I am interested in algorithmic and mathematical insights that can make AI systems provably robust and reliable. I am also interested in algorithmic ways to conserve resources in systems working with Big Data, by utilizing data-stream algorithms and proving various lower-bound results.

If you are interested in my work or would just like to chat, please reach out to me at tharis at bu dot edu


For an up-to-date list of publications, please see my Google Scholar page.

  1. Counting Simplices in Hypergraph Streams

    Chakrabarti, A., & Haris, T. (2022). Counting Simplices in Hypergraph Streams. In 30th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2022) (p. 32:1-32:19). doi:10.4230/LIPIcs.ESA.2022.32

    Full article on ArXiv

Service and Teaching

  1. Undergraduate TA in Computer Science classes at Dartmouth College, including Machine Learning, Algorithms, Theory of Computation (Head TA)

  2. CoderDojo - a volunteer organization with the mission to bring Computer Science education to schools without such curricula.

Industry Experience

I worked as a software engineer at Microsoft's Base Kernel team for two years. During my time there, I designed and built systems for Windows client containers. I gained valuable expertise on cutting-edge OS composition and virtualization technologies. In addition, I also worked on key parts of the Windows Kernel.

This website was built from scratch using Next.js and Tailwind CSS. Chat-GPT also helped a lot with the design and implementation.